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Back to Top Settings
You can enable or disable the Back to Top button on the entire website. You can also show the button in the Back to Top Settings page. Standard Pages: Choose which of the Standard Pages of your website you would like the button to display on. Post Pages: Controls whether or not to show the button on ALL Post Pages. |
Button Type:
The Arrow type. Choose from 40 different arrow types, use a custom image or use text. For a list of arrows, please see: Arrow Examples Arrow Type: Choose the arrow type from 40 different arrow icons. Font/Arrow Settings: the Font Arrow settings controls the arrow icon size as well as the text option. The Font/Arrow Color setting allows you to control the color and hover color of the arrow or text. Custom Image URL: If you choose to use a custom image, you can upload an image or use the default one. PNG's (images with transparency) work best. Alt. Text Option: The Alt Text Option allows you to have alt text for the arrow icon, or image, and also controls the Button Type text option. Custom Size: You can control the height and width of the button. This setting also controls the size of the Button Type Custom Image option. Opacity Settings: The Opacity Settings controls how transparent the button is, and when you hover your mouse over the button. |
Background & Border
Background Settings:
Controls background color and the background hover color of the button. Border Settings: Controls the style of Border Radius. You can choose Square, Rounded Square, Round or a Custom setting. With the Border Size you can choose to have a border, and control the size or use 0px for no border. This controls the thickness of the border. The Border Style allows you to choose from: None, Dashed, Dotted, Double, Groove, Ridge, Solid, Inset or Outset. Border Color allows you to change the border color and the border color when you hover the mouse over the button. |
The position setting allows you to position the button on the page either to the Left, Center, Right, Top or Bottom, or a Custom Offset. Padding/Margin (pixels): Padding controls the space between the button and the icon, image or text. Marging Controls the space between the button and the bottom and sides of the page. z-index: The z-index setting specifies the stacking order of an element. A larger stacking order number is always in front of an element with a lower stack order number. |
Response Settings
Tablet Font/Arrow Size:
You can adjust the size of the Font or Arrow and also the width for when the setting is applied for Tablet sized devices. Mobile Font/Arrow Size: You can adjust the size of the Font or Arrow and also the width for when the setting is applied for Mobile Phone sized devices. Responsive Visibility: You can hide the button for devices smaller than the pixel setting you choose. If left empty, the button will display on any size device. |
Animation Settings
Scroll Offset:
This setting allows you to control when the button appears on the page. The default setting is 300 pixels. In other words the person would have to scroll down 300 pixels before the button appears. Fade In: Controls the amount of time the button takes to become visible. Fade Out: Controls the amount of time it takes for the button to disappear. Scroll Speed: Scroll Speed controls how fast the page is scrolled to the top. |